So This One Time...
I joined the Pinterest community. What I didn't know at the time was that Pinterest is a hellish gateway to all time consuming obsessions. In a world of DIY rustic mason jar candle holders and 845 of "The BEST Cookie Ever" recipes, I found photography. Ah, yes. Beautiful photography. It reached it's palms outward to me and whispered " I require many years of patience, hard work, extensive learning and cash money." I placed my heart into Photography's hands and said "Oh, you sweet talker, you."
I then dove in head first and became obsessed. I was absolutely enthralled by the immaculate talent that other artists showcased in the photo realm. Wanting to feed my growing obsession, I took action.
A very in-expensive camera, countless mentors/influences, many all nighters of editing and 5 years later, I now call myself a professional photographer and designer. This love of mine is for my own personal enjoyment of beauty, travel, people, colour and (most importantly) glitter. However, it's you, the supporter who I will always make time for. It is you reading this right now who I hope to keep around a little longer. I will ensure that both you and I continue to be razzled and dazzled. So please. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show my loves.